Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease
What is Crohn’s disease? Named after Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn, the physician who first described the condition in 1932, Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel
What is Crohn’s disease? Named after Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn, the physician who first described the condition in 1932, Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel
These days, it is all too common to hear people saying that they are “intolerant”, “sensitive” or allergic to certain foods. At the top of
The trouble with dairy It seems to be more and more common to hear that someone has a dairy allergy, lactose intolerance or has simply
What does the colon do? In order to understand what the colon does, how it works and how its state can affect our health, it’s
Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries have become incredibly popular in the form of dietary supplements over the past few years, both in capsule and powder form.
Almost everybody experiences constipation at some point in their lives – bowel movements that become less frequent and more difficult to pass. It is a
Good health begins with balance in the body, particularly in the digestive system. Inside our bodies there are twenty times more bacteria than living cells,
How Lose Weight the Healthy Way If you carry excess weight or suffer with obesity, reducing your body fat levels, increasing your metabolic rate and
Migraine headaches cause periodic disruption in the lives of millions of people. It averages just over 10 percent of our population, making it the most
Are carbohydrates healthy? The body’s primary fuel comes from carbohydrates, which are often split into two categories for the purposes of identifying those carbohydrate foods